Sunday, December 26, 2010

Introduction to me

My name is Lexus Wilson, but Gail calls me all sorts of names, like Peatsa, Butter Nut Squash, Soft Monster, Air Fluff, Orange Creamsickle Puff, Lou, and the list goes on and on.

I live with my people family, and my feline frienemy, Ruger Magillicutti, who is always picking on me, and chasing me, and I just let him take my place from wherever I am, for instance the pillow of Gail's bed, or the chair in the living room, or her brother's futon, or the kitchen, or the closets, because I don't want to hurt him. He's like an annoying dumb ass idiot little brother, it's like he thinks I'm prey, and not a fellow feline! He's such an idiot. But when we go outside, we got each other's back. Mostly I have his back, because he's a scaredy cat, and the other cat's run when I start screaming.

Yeah, the outside is really my domain, and so is winter, and sunlight. I used to be the greates bird killer, but I have arthritis now, and it hurts too much to hunt, so mostly I lie in the grass soaking up the power of the sun. Gail says it's where I get my glow, she's right, and it's so much more than that. But I'll tell you all about the sun in another blog post sometime.

Before going outside, I turn around clockwise at least two or three times, that's my signal to the people, so I don't usually have to meow, or as they say, "squeak".
Ruger turns counter clockwise, jeez, we are total opposites.

More about me will be covered in the next two blogs, my Likes, and my Dislikes.

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